Awana International Canada
PO Box 2033 , Komoka
Phone: 519-670-0315
Children’s Health Foundation
345 Westminster Ave , London
Phone: 519-671-6512
Egg Farmers of Middlesex
7860 Inadale Drive , Mt. Brydges
Phone: (519) 247-3427
EMO Workforce Planning & Development
647 Wilton Grove Road , London
Phone: 519-672-3499
Leads Employment Services
67 Front St W , Strathroy
Phone: (519) 245-3900
Middlesex Federation of Agriculture
633 - 5 Lions Park Drive , Mt. Brydges
Phone: 519-264-9812
Portuguese Canadian Club
375 York St , Strathroy
Phone: (519) 245-4361
Salvation Army Community & Family Services
71 Maitland Terr , Strathroy
Phone: (519) 245-5398

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